Spoilt for choice when it comes to booking a car on TREVO? We feel ya 😍
With Malaysia’s Largest Car-Rental Marketplace installed on your phone, you have over 4,500 cars to choose from!
To help you book the best cars that fulfil your needs, follow these tips from the Car Rental Mahaguru of TREVO.

1. Read Acceptance Rates, Responsive Rates and Reviews before booking
Checking out these details on a TREVO Host’s profile page can save you a lot of headaches.
Host with high Acceptance and Responsive Rates are usually super excited to have Guests enjoy their bookings and experiences.
To save time when you book a car, look at how long a Host usually takes to respond to booking requests.
When you liaise with a Host that typically responds within one hour, expect quick replies to your queries and have your booking accepted at a quicker rate.
Reading a Host’s Reviews that were shared by previous Guests is important too. You’d feel more assured and confident when you book a car from a Host with many five-star reviews. Reviews from other Guests can also help highlight any potential problems with a Host’s car.
But don’t forget! Sometimes, the best hosts are new hosts who have just started renting out their cars on TREVO. So feel free to check out the diamonds in the rough!

2. Research the car model: Ask the Host about their car’s quirks or issues
The most popular cars on TREVO are owned by responsive TREVO Hosts who are upfront about their cars’ quirks.
For instance, you might want to know when a car was last serviced and how the vehicle performs in different environments like highways, unpaved roads and traffic jams. A good TREVO Host would answer your questions.
Some quirks from a car can be harmless. Perhaps the Host of a Toyota Vios you have been eyeing has just informed you that the car’s speaker isn’t the best and has a faint buzzing sound when you play music for more than a couple of hours.
He has brought his car to a dozen workshops for examination, and the mechanics couldn’t find anything wrong with the car, despite its little buzzing noise.
If that’s a quirk you’re cool with, go ahead and book the Toyota Vios of your dreams.
Finding out more details about a car can help shape your booking decision. Asking the Host questions before booking will also ensure that you are getting a car you will like.
3. Take pre-inspection photos of the Host’s car when you accept the vehicle
As a TREVO Guest, you are required to take pre-inspection photos of the car before starting your booking, and post-inspection photos after you have completed your booking time.
These photos will serve as proof that you are returning the car in the same condition in which it was received,
Taking these photos will also give you the opportunity to examine the car’s condition. If the car you have booked arrives in unexpectedly poor condition, please inform the TREVO Customer Service team at Your App Account > Live Chat or email us at help@trevo.my.
Finding the best cars for yourself isn’t hard!
So doing a little research to find the right car for yourself on TREVO is easy. Follow these steps and pretty soon, you’ll be booking and driving an enjoyable car that suits your needs.
Remember to book with our latest promos as well. Enjoy your drives!